Cafe de la Poste

Newington French Bistro , Restaurant & Wine Bar. Closed on Mondays

Le Cafe de la Poste Edinburgh

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Masson House, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Area information

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Nine exciting new restaurants and cafes to try in Edinburgh this ...

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Whether you fancy trying a meal in a restaurant, sipping cocktails in a bar or sampling the coffee in a cafe, here are some of the shiny new places you need to keep an eye out for this summer.

Due to open at the beginning of July, Cadiz is a new seafood restaurant and bar from the people who brought us Cafe Andaluz.

With a prime location above the existing Cafe Andaluz restaurant on George Street, Cadiz is set to be the perfect place to enjoy top quality wine and seafood with an international flavour.

Details and opening dates are still to be announced, but you can look forward to coffee, wine, cocktails and more when this place opens later this summer.

Share them with us on Facebook or Twitter Bourbon bar is Edinburgh’s newest late night hang out Five quirky foods to try in Edinburgh this summer Step inside Edinburgh’s new floating coffee shop
